Il creatore del metodo di cui sopra, è sicuramente una persona preparata nel campo dei suoni binaurali, in quanto per diversi anni è stato l'Ingegnere del suono al Monroe Institute in Virginia.
Inoltre è suo il bellissimo CD di metamusica intitolato Spirit's Journey

Ma torniamo a Samadhi - The Ultimate in Quiet Mind
Questa è la descrizione dei CD:
"The word Samadhi has been used in the Yoga traditions to describe a state of unity with the divine. It is a meditation practice that requires many years of dedication. One must move the body and mind into a state of total serenity in order to open to the experience of union. This ultimate connection or divine union, is the subtle underlying cause of every spiritual system.
In every faith recorded throughout history, humankind has expressed the desire for this union. It is often perceived as something available only after physical life is over. But what if, this experience of union was also available during physical life? Tranquility Training teaches that union with the divine is available here and now for all who are willing. This meditation helps you learn to profoundly relax the body and quiet the mind so that you can realize the divinity within.
Exercise 1, is essentially the same Exercise 1 found in Contact. Tranquility Training maintains that it is necessary to learn this profound meditation technique, before any of the others can be applied. It is through the relaxation of the body that the senses primarily used by the “little I” are temporarily quieted. Once the primary senses of the “little I” are laid aside, we can begin to explore the potentials that exist beyond the ego mind. However, divine union requires even more than the quieted senses of a relaxed body. The discipline requires a quite mind as well! It is to this end that Samadhi: The Ultimate in Quite Mind, offers exercises 2 through 4. Each successive Samadhi exercise uses specific techniques to help you slow down the thinking process. Progressively, you will learn to create a space of stillness within that allows the explorer to hear that “still voice within.”
Exercise 2 encourages you to make use of the internal space that you have created in exercise one. As you relax near the threshold of conscious awareness, you begin the process of allowing your thoughts to arise as they will. Honoring them for what they are, you begin to become an observer of your usually unconscious thinking process. Noticing the speed at which these thoughts arise, you will learn specific techniques to begin the process of slowing down these unconscious thought patterns and create space for mental stillness.
Exercise 3 is the first stage of quiet mind which will help you to experience divine union. Crossing the threshold into an even deeper state of consciousness, you will learn a specific technique which will help you be completely still.
Exercise 4 is an opportunity to extend your willingness and intention to connect with the spark of divinity within you. You have knocked at the door of a sanctuary that is more sacred than any external building. Be still and know." Utilizzando una terminologia propria del Monroe Institute mi sembra che i primi esercizi conducano ai livelli di Focus 10 e 12 o qualcosa di molto simile.
L'ultimo esercizio è particolarmente significativo. L'ho provato senza aspettative. Tramite esso ho sperimentato uno stato di profonda tranquillità e, pienamente cosciente, mi sono ritrovato a:
- volare sopra una scogliera;
- osservare un passante che portava a passeggio il cane, in una strada sconosciuta, con dei palazzi costruiti con una architettura originale.
Dove acquistare Samadhi - The Ultimate in Quiet Mind ?