martedì 28 gennaio 2014

The Ten Minute Moment

Link a post precedenti che parlano di Juergen Ziewe
"The Ten Minute Moment" il nuovo libro di Juergen Ziewe
Il video di J Ziewe nel quale parla delle esperienze narrate nel libro (in inglese) 

What happens when attention is focused on Attention for one week? What does it feel like when you step over the very edge of human consciousness and cross the great divide which separates individual identity from a unified and cosmic sense of being? In his previous book, ‘Multidimensional Man’, Jurgen Ziewe chronicled his out-of-body experiences over a forty year period. More recently he spent a week in a remote mountain cabin in one of the most picturesque parts of Scotland. Undisturbed by modern life, he found out what happens when Consciousness focuses on itself. He kept an authentic account describing his observations during deep meditation which ultimately led to an experience of Cosmic Consciousness.


Non ho ancora letto il nuovo libro di Ziewe, ma visito spesso il suo sito ed apprezzo la sua onestà intellettuale ed

il suo libro precedente.

Link ad un post successivo sul medesimo argomento